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410 lines
28 May 1999
- removed key file check in pronet-handler (-> v38.1)
- removed key file check from pronet.device (-> v38.1)
- updated documentation to remove any shareware stuff
- added source code to distribution
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
970111 Rewrote subtask termination code. v38.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.2
Support for detailed driver Init error messages.
961111 Fixed crashing on expunge on my A500. v37.2
961108 Found the bug which caused the serial driver to crash on Mat's
and Rob's machine. Strange enough that it was in the device;
And strange that it crashed on my machine, too, which I didn't
notice until today: Rewrote getconfigstr. Config file now totally
without any '%ld:' line introducers. v37.1. P37Beta2 released.
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
960928 Changed structure of received data, busy wait removed.
960919 Decided to drop support for second Data/Length field and added
general support for timeout situations (PNDERR_DESTINATION_GONE).
Changed some routines to fit this "new" API.
Driver is unloaded when Init fails.
960918 Fixed ugly "zeropage" (0x44) hit in StartDriver (was there since V2).
Driver SegList now freed on expunge.
Made whole device more compatible (no DOSBase sharing, SysBase
caching, using Semaphores to single-thread DevOpen function).
Config and key file now located in DEVS:ProNET.
Cleaned up source in case I will release it somewhen (NOT! ;-))
New autodocs. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.6
960823 Expunge rewritten. v36.6
960804 Open() is single-threaded now. v36.5
960804 P3Beta4 with v36.4
960721 Drivers are called with Flags = 1. v36.4
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.3
960717 Added Expunge stuff, removed devio.s. v36.3
960520 Checksums removed, put them into the drivers instead. v36.2
960215 P3Beta2 with v36.1
960208 Checksums. v36.1
960106 PNDERR_UNIT_NOT_DEFINED introduced. v36.0
Fixed bug(s) in error handling (when unit couldn't be opened)
950624 ProNET V2 released with v35.4 + source.
950615 PNDERR_DRIVERTROUBLE introduced. v35.4
950609 Getconfigstring uses MEMF_PUBLIC for Read Buffer. v35.3
950605 Flags Argument for Driver-Init. v35.2
950601 P2Beta6 with v35.1
950531 If the pending writes list is not empty before the MainLoop
Wait(), we will signal ourselves to call msgREAD! This is
because otherwise a timeout while sending would cause the
device to hang completely, if the other machine doesn't
send something! v35.1
950518 P2Beta5 with v35.0
950508 works. v35.0
950505 Started with device from beginning, with modular driver concept.
950430 P2Beta4 with v34.5
950226 Priority of transfer process can be set. &small bugfix V34.2
Spent following days to find bug & bump version numbers.
950203 Disable() reduced to switching off VBI. V34.1
950124 startuphandshake removed. V34.0
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.9
941028 configfile is reloaded on every OpenDevice() V33.9
941022 again problems with collision etc. QUICK bit cleared. V33.8
941020 Interferences with 'parallel.device' removed V33.7
941019 Removed Expunge-Routines and other nonsense-stuff V33.6
941007 ..I think, the transfer routines can't be improved any more..
941005 Optimized Transfer-Routines (bset/bclr --> and/or) V33.5
940725 Lengths are rounded up to word boundaries. V33.4
940716 -1 and -2 possible for pnr_NetSourcePort. V33.3
940710 Die Kollisionsabfrage funktionierte immer noch nicht ganz:
manchmal receivte der andere Rechner statt einer Länge von 4
einfach $29a: Ich hab' 3 Tage lang nach dem Bug gesucht, und
ihn nicht gefunden. Zur Übersicht, was inzwischen feststeht:
- Es tritt öfters die Zahl $29a auf, es scheint also kein Zufall
zu sein.
- Es tritt NICHT auf, wenn beide Rechner einen 50Hz-Displaymode laufen
- Es liegt NICHT an den Low-Level-Routinen
- Der VBI ist in Ordnung (keine Register werden zerstört etc.)
- Es tritt NICHT auf, wenn ich den SendPPacket-Aufrufe in der
TryPendingWrites-Routinen mit Disable/Enable einschachtele
(Der GetPPacket-Aufruf kann so bleiben !) Na ja immerhin..
Bug temporary disabled. Now works alright, but freezes
machine when sending. V33.2
940708 New Config-Handling. V33.1
940707 So, das wichtigste ist fertig - jetzt kommen nur noch
ordentliche Close/Expunge/Schnickschnack-Routinen !
Finally, first version V33.0 is ready !!
Scheiß Devpac - nach 1 Tag Debuggen bemerke ich, daß der
die EQUR-Direktive zwar akzeptiert, aber falsch assembliert..
So - es klappt jetzt alles BESTENS !, allerdings funkioniert
die 'Kollisionsabfrage' noch nicht ganz, wenn beide Amigas
gleichzeitig senden wollen !
940702 Erster Test: mit Talk.s läuft das nicht, kann aber auch
an Talk liegen !
Debug-Messages werden jetzt ausgegeben !
940630 Gesamtes Device fertig, ohne es einmal zu testen !
940619 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
ReadFlush routine.
961124 Checking arguments.
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
961001 Changed driver to new API. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
960804 P3Beta4 with v36.1
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
960717 Exit-Routines. v36.1
950624 ProNET V2 released with version from 5.6.95 + source.
950605 init: flags argument
950601 P2Beta6 with version from 31.5.95
950531 machine priority system :-(
950529 bset -> or etc..
950518 P2Beta5 with version from 7.5.95
950507 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
ReadFlush routine, Checking arguments.
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
960919 Changed driver to new API. v37.0
960917 Wrote general driver autodocs in this driver's source code.
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
960804 P3Beta4 with v36.0
960801 Got a working version! v36.0
960719 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
ReadFlush routine.
961026 Changed driver to new API. v37.0, P37Beta1 with v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.2
960804 P3Beta4 with v36.2
960804 Found the DAMN bug... v36.2
(Read and Write used the same buffer. AAAAAARGGHHHHH)
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
960717 Exit-Routines. v36.1
960215 P3Beta2 with v36.0
960107 Added 3WIRE switch. v36.0
950624 ProNET V2 released with version from 5.6.95 + source.
950605 init: flags argument
950601 P2Beta6 with version from 1.6.95
950518 P2Beta5 with version from 8.5.95
950508 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
970103 Rewrote disk insertion handling.
970101 ACTION_IS_FILESYSTEM now properly supported. v38.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
961002 Dropped support for ACTION_FORMAT & ACTION_SERIALIZE_DISK.
Improved Client stopping routines.
Ctrl-C when more than one Client was running could crash them, fixed.
961001 Ha! Finally got the idea how to support reconnection after server
reboots and implemented it. Removed some unused routines.
fh_Interactive transferred for FIND_XXX and FH_FROM_LOCK (see note
below at pronet-handler). Filling fh_Type in FH-creating actions now.
Changed to work with new pronet.device. v37.0
960904 Quitting via CTRL-C frees all resources. v36.5
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.4
960822 SERVERDIE added. v36.4
960806 REMHANDLER added, FlushDevice added, `procname' removed. v36.3
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.2
960716 Server can be stopped. v36.2
960607 Error checking in NEWHANDLER (.error2). v36.1
960304 Pushed version. v36.0
950708 ProNET V2.1 released with v35.0 + source.
950708 Fixed CLI argument handling. v35.0
950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.9 + source.
950508 Statt des Devicenamens wird jetzt Unitnummer übernommen v34.6
950430 P2Beta4 with v34.5
950429 EXAMINE-Packets neu programmiert v34.5
950417 READ-Transfer umgebaut v34.4
950415 read und write geben statt NO_FREE_STORE jetzt OBJECT_TOO_LARGE
zurück v34.3
950414 MsgRemDisk (or similar??) won't cause the 50frames-Delay.
dann noch ACT_READ bug-gefixt??
950401 SegList splitting v34.2 (was removed somewhen later)
950124 if a port number occurs again while ADDNEWHANDLER, we assume that
other side has reset, so we clear all our data and start from the
beginning!! v34.1
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.5
940716 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
970126 Rewrote some parts in C, removing the device node in StopStuff now
instead of in pronet-stop.
970111 Removed possible bug with ctrl-c'ing the server.
970103 Rewrote disk insertion handling, misc optimizations.
970102 Removed some unnecessary code.
970101 Disk insertion didn't issue the appropriate input event, that's why
it took so long until icons appeared on the Workbench (and all this
only because DevPac doesn't complain about the line "rts <label>").
When freeing the last lock of an already removed volume, a disk rem
input event is sent. ACTION_IS_FILESYSTEM now properly supported.
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
961026 Locks created by PARENT#? track path correctly, Shareware requester
delay now 10 minutes. Internal optimizations. Bug fix in FH_FROM_LOCK.
P37Beta1 with v37.1
961020 FREE_LOCK didn't work since last change.
961010 Locks now remember their path, had to rewrite dos/AddPart(),
Server reboot invalidates all locks correctly.
961002 Dropped support for ACTION_FORMAT & ACTION_SERIALIZE_DISK.
Lots of internal optimizations. Improved Client stopping routines.
Reconnection after server reboot works, but it's still very limited.
961001 AARGGH! fh_Port was always initialized to DOSTRUE, which was WRONG!.
DOSFALSE is correct for non-interactive FileSystems, in fact the
value is now copied from the server so it will be correct for
CON:, too. Now DiskSalv and Workbench's "New Drawer" work full speed!
Don't touch fh_Type in FH-creating actions any more.
Changed to work with new pronet.device. v37.1
960919 RC 1000004 removed, quitting after shareware requester removes
disk. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.4
960823 SERVERDIE added, DISKREM replies ProNETMsg,
SendInputEvent Errorchecking. v36.4
960806 REMHANDLER added, FlushDevice added,
stopping makes ACT_DISKREM now. v36.3
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.1
960617 ACTION_DIE really works now & stops ProNET stuff. v36.1
960215 P3Beta2 with v36.0 from 6.1.96
960130 Removed unused dospacket.s code, changed to DOS routines. v36.0
960106 Improved init error handling.
951226 P3Beta1 with v36.0
951126 CompareStrings() routine was never used... removed.
implemented ACTION_DIE packet.
951125 rewrote DevIO stuff with OS2 functions.
removed FreeVec stub.
split up the sources.
several small (not functional) changes.
doslist-Forbid()-arbitration --> (Un)LockDosList()
951124 changed to work with `pronet-start'.
error message changed to ERROR_DEVICE_NOT_MOUNTED.
950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.2 + source.
950430 P2Beta4 with v34.1
950417 READ-Transfer umgebaut. v34.0
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.5
940719 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
961001 FLAGS argument removed.
960919 RC 1000004 removed. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.3
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.3
960717 Gibt bei Fehler RC 20 zurück. v36.3
960524 Local name ist jetzt immer in Großbuchstaben. v36.2
960215 P3Beta2 with v36.1
960209 Extended error messages, fixed bugs. v36.1
951226 P3Beta1 with v36.0
951124 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v38.0
970126 SOFT switch removed, moved some code to the handler. Added UNIT
keyword to support dismounting of all clients on a specific Unit.
970101 Now removing the device node completely. SOFT switch to suppress
this behaviour. v38.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v36.1
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
960806 FORCE removed - this now happens in pronet-handler. v36.1
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
960617 working. v36.0
951126 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v36.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v36.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
960717 started. v36.0
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.1
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.1
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.1
961001 Changed to work with new pronet.device.
Fixed zeropage (0x00) hit, which was a left-over from some
tests by me. v37.1
960918 Using a reserved port number now. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
960523 Always uses port 1994 now. v36.0
950708 ProNET V2.1 released with v34.2 + source.
950707 Well.. it didn't work :)) v34.2
950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.1 + source.
950603 UNIT support. v34.1
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
940616 started. v33.0
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
961111 Rewritten in C, requires Kickstart 2.0 now. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.0
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
960607 Test auf korrekte Argumente. v36.0
950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.0 + source.
950618 unitnumber argument. v34.0
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
941027 started
970127 ProNET V3.2 released with v37.0
961130 ProNET V3.1 released with v37.0
961026 P37Beta1 with v37.0
961001 Rewritten in C, requires Kickstart 2.0 now. v37.0
960823 ProNET V3 released with v36.1
960804 P3Beta4 with v36.1
960726 Usage ergänzt mit Anführungszeichen.
Abschließendes Null-Byte wird jetzt mitgesendet. v36.1
960718 P3Beta3 with v36.0
960607 Test auf korrekte Argumente. v36.0
950624 ProNET V2 released with v34.1 + source.
950618 unitnumber argument
941101 ProNET V1 released with v33.0
941026 started